US Army Specialist (Ret) Dez Del Barba

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Dez Del Barba was a 21-year-old Sonoma State University college student when he took a leave of absence from his last semester of college in order to pursue and complete Basic Training for the U.S. Army at Fort Benning, Georgia. After basic training Dez was going to complete his degree and attend the Officer Candidate School (OCS) for the Army. Unfortunately, while in week 6 of basic training, he developed Streptococcus A was seen by several military medical providers for several days, but was not treated properly. Due to this he contracted a rare flesh-eating disease, known as Necrotizing Fasciitis.

Dez was sent to the ICU at Piedmont Hospital in Columbus, Georgia on February 11th, 2019. The medical team began the first of many surgeries removing infected flesh, skin and muscle from his legs and body. On February 13th, Dez was flown out on an air ambulance to the University of Alabama (UAB) medical burn unit. There, Dez was under the care of surgeons from UAB and surgeons from the United States Military.

On February 14th, his sister's birthday, a lifesaving surgery was performed and his left leg was amputated. Dez would go through yet another surgery the following day removing even more muscle and flesh. At this point Dez’s right leg was in danger of being amputated. However, the surgeons were confident that they could save his leg if he was moved to a different facility.

On February 16th, Dez was flown on an air ambulance to the Institute of Surgical
Research (ISR), a state-of-the-art military Burn Unit at Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.  Here, Dez would spend 100 days in the ISR hospital ward and underwent weekly surgeries, skin grafts, reconstruction surgery, physical therapy, and wound care that was performed daily. A total of 43 surgeries were performed on Dez.

Once Dez recovered enough to be released from the ISR hospital ward, he was transferred to a Wounded Warrior Transition unit at Joint Base San Antonio/Ft. Sam Houston military base. During this time, he began intensive physical therapy, rehabilitation training, and learned to use his prosthetic leg and other devices at the Center for the Intrepid (CFI). 

On March 15, 2020, Dez returned home to California where he continued his rehabilitation at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).  Dez remained in the Army and was medically retired on August 17, 2021.  Today Dez is becoming stronger physically and emotionally every day.  He is very active in weight training and works out every day.  He continues to go to physical therapy weekly. Dez and his college sweetheart, Julia, live happily together.  On December 15, 2021, Dez completed his Business degree from Sonoma State University and will be starting a new career with a large software company in January 2022.

Dez has had endured a physical, emotional and spiritual battle since this tragedy started.  However, Dez is a WARRIOR and his faith in God has shown what an amazing and inspirational and strong young man he is. The support of his family, friends and the medical professionals who helped save his life since February 11, 2019, were imperative to his recovery and survival.

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