Dr. Rommel K. Bal

Dr. Rommel K. Bal has been proudly serving the Stockton community for over sixteen years. She has served on the San Joaquin Dental Society Board and the Executive Committee at various positions since 2005. She is also a fellow of the International College of Dentists (ICD) and regularly volunteers for local Give Kids a Smile initiatives for over 11 years.

She hopes to continue her passion for community service for years to come, both on a local level and internationally through the ICD. Dr. Bal is a compassionate healthcare provider and puts great emphasis on helping children achieve better health outcomes.

Rommel firmly believe that her profession’s ultimate goal is to better the world around us by ensuring that the people in our immediate surroundings (and beyond) remain healthy and live long, fruitful lives free of preventable illnesses. All other aspects - be it prestige, pay, or recognition - are but accessory trifles compared to this singular, all-encompassing aim.

She has known Dez’s family for many years and looks forward to the opportunity to serve as an advisor for Operation Dez Strong Foundation and hopes to bring to the table a unique blend of devotion to service; years of experience in both the United States and internationally; uncompromising attention to detail; language and people skills; and love for dental arts.